Fees Fixation
- The fees charged by the school are commensurate with the facilities provided by the school. No capitation fee or voluntary donations for gaining admission in the school or for any other purpose are charged/collected in the name of the school. The following factors were kept in mind while fixing the fees.
a) The location of the school;
b) The infrastructure made available to the students for the qualitative education, the facilities provided and as mentioned in the prospectus or web-site of the school;
c) The education standard of the school;
d) The expenditure on administration and maintenance;
e) Qualified teaching and non-teaching staff and their salary components;
f) Reasonable amount for yearly salary increments;
g) Expenditure incurred on the students over total income of the school;
h) Reasonable revenue surplus for the purpose of development of education and expansion of the school;
i) Once fee is planned, the proposed fee structure is discussed with SMC for approval.
Above all, the fee charged is affordable by common public and in equivalence with the fees charged by the other schools of the state. There is no any guideline for fixing of school fees from the state Govt. till date.